Chcialbym, by ktos bardzo dobry z angielskiego napisal mi list. Trzeba to napisac, aby mozna bylo dostac za to 5, za co daje duzo punktow. Jesli mi sie nie spodoba, zglaszam jako naduzycie. Od 120 do 150 slow. Oto tresc:
Zobaczyles w gazecie ogloszenie reklamujace kurs komputerowy w jednej z londynskich szkol. Napisz list do tej szkoly.
-napisz, gdzie zobaczyles ogloszenie o kursie i dlaczego piszesz
-popros o szczegolowe informacje dotyczace roznych kursow i ich cen
wyjasnij, kim jestes i napisz o swoim doswiadczeniu w zakresie obslugi komputera
-powiedz, jakie sa twoje plany na przyslosc i poinformuj, jak najlepiej sie z toba skontaktowac.
120-150 slow. Potrzebuje na srode.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing because I saw an annoucement in the local newspaper that you carry out an ICT course in your college. I am really interested in it because I would like to improve my skills. I have got a few questions for you. Could you tell me if there are different levels of ICT courses and the price of their? I am not a fledgling about informatic so I would like to study something more difficult than people who only began to gain knowledge about computers.
I study technology at university now and I want to ask if there is any possibility to get student discounts?
My experience related to ICT is not large but I know much about things such as PHP, Java Script, HTML, CSS and OTP. I am dreaming to be a computer programmer or IT technician in the future and that is the reason why I want to join to your college and study one of the ICT courses. If you can advice me please answer my email.
Yours sincerely,