Chcialbym, by ktos bardzo dobry z angielskiego napisal mi reklamacje. Trzeba to napisac, aby mozna bylo dostac za to 5, za co daje duzo punktow. Jesli mi sie nie spodoba, zglaszam jako naduzycie. Od 120 do 150 slow. Oto tresc:
Kiedy ostatnio byles na wakacjach w Nowym Jorku, kupiles sobie jakies urzadzenie eletroniczne, ale gdy wrociles do domu, okazalo sie, ze nie dzala. Napisz, do kierownika sklepu.
- opisz, co i kiedy kupiles
- wyjasnij, na czym polega problem, i kedy to odkryles
- poinformuj, ze odsylasz zakupiona rzecz wraz z dowodem zakupu
- napisz, jakie sa twoje oczekiwania, podajac szczegoly.
Potrzebuje na poniedzialek.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about an MP3 player which I bought at "Good Electronics" in New York on 22nd December. Unfortunately, it appears to be faulty.
Firstly, the player stopped working five weeks after I purchased it. To make matters worse that, it has damaged my computer.
I was very happy with it at first however, after five weeks it wouldn't switch on at all. My media-playing program has stopped working since I connected the MP3 player to my computer. "Good Electronics" refuses to replace the player because I no longer have the receipt.
I feel extremely disappointed with this poor service. I am sending to you broken device with proof of purchase. In addition to, I expect you to send me an immediate replacent. I would like some advice on how to repair my media-playing program.
I hope that this matter will be dealt with promptly.
Yours faithfully,
Jan Kowalski
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you because I would like to make a complaint. I know that it will be better to meet the manager and speak face to face about my problem, but unfortunately I have not possibility to do this. When I was in New York on holiday I bought an iPad mini at your store. It was on 1st November 2012. I was really glad about how it works but few days later something bad started to happen with the screen. When I was trying to touch it and open an application (it doesn't matter which one), the screen wasn't reacting to my actions. And the situation still hasn't changed.
I decided to send you my broken iPad with the receipt and I exepect that you fix it. If you will not be able to do it I hope that you change it for another one, which will works suitably. I have to tell you that I am a little bit disappointed how your store works. I hope that will not be any problems with the solution of this situation.
Yours sincerely,