chcesz kupic dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii.Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujace nieruchomosc ktora cie interesuje.Napisz list do agencji ktora je zamiescila. - okresl jaki rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupic i powolaj sie na ogloszenie - zapytaj o odleglosc od srodkow komunikacji miejskiej i sklepow - zapytaj o co najmniej dwa interesujace cie elementy wyposazenia domu - zapytaj o mozliwosc uprawiania sportow i dostep do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy
I would like to buy an apartment with two horizontal advertisements that are placed in the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" and am interested in several important things namely:
How far is the nearest public transport and shops.
Whether the home has a large bathroom and a kitchen that is equipped with furniture.
I would like to also know if the apartment is near some playground to play football and how far is the nearest museum.
I would like to buy an apartment with two horizontal advertisements that are placed in the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" and am interested in several important things namely:
How far is the nearest public transport and shops.
Whether the home has a large bathroom and a kitchen that is equipped with furniture.
I would like to also know if the apartment is near some playground to play football and how far is the nearest museum.
Please contact me.
My number is 00448956123674
Mam nadzieję że Ci pomogłem ;]