LIST OFICJALNY do nauczyciela *przeproś za długie nie pisanie i powiedz dlaczego * opowiedz o wydarzeniu kulturowym w twoim mieście *opisz ostatnio przeczytaną książkę lub film który Cię zachwycił *zaproponuj wspólne wyjście do teatru i podaj termin PROSZĘ BARDZO O POMOC !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello Sir!
At the begging I want to apologize to You, that I didn't write lately. I had a lot of work at school, so I barely found time to do anything other than studies.
I really want to tell you about one happening ,which had place in my town. I think you might be intrested in that. Few days ago group of young people start to passing up cards, on which they have wrotten they ideas ,about what should change in goverment. In my opinion it was amazing that they had so much brave to do such a thing!
I also want to tell you about book I raed. The story take place in Germany, and whole story talks about Mozarts sister. I didn't know about her much, but after lecture I got a lot new informations!
With all that new informations, I start to think that we should go too, for some cultural happenings. I think going to the theater would be the best idea. What do you think about going to spectacl at November,1?
Your student
Mam nadzieje, ze bedzie dobrze :) Powodzenia M.