list do znajomego z ameryki który po jutrze przyjeżdża do polski i piszesz do niego jak tam przygotowania przed przyjazdem do polski i czy pamieta o ważnej przesyłce. piszesz mu też czy mógłby przywieść ci książke i przepraszasz go za dodatkowy kłopot. piszesz mu plan pierwszego dnia w polsce i co można robić. piszesz dalej jak się umówiliście na lotnisku i podajesz mu co ma robić jak byś sie spóżnił go odebrać
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear John,
[akapit] I can't wait anymore to see you! How are the preparations going? Do you remember about the parcel? It's really important for me. Could you bring me a good book? I apologize for this additional issue, but i know you have great taste and you will choose the best one for me.
[akapit] On the first day we will visit the castle in Warsaw. It's amazing! There are no buildings like that in the USA. After visiting the castle we are going to eat something, i know few really good and pretty cheap restaurants, you will like the polish cuisine. Once we get fed, we can go to a cinema. But don't worry, we'll pick an english movie so that you can understand the dialogues. After the cinema i planned something really special. I won't tell you now. It will be a surprise!
[akapit] When you land and pick up your luggage, head to main hall of the airport and find the KFC. I will be waiting by the entrace. Finally, please don't panic if i get late a bit. I'm not planning to get late but it happens in Poland. If i won't be there, please wait 15 minutes, i'll come for sure!
[akapit] I'm looking forward to seeing you!
Best wishes,
[Twoje imię]