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* what kind of performance it was (music, dance etc.)
* who took part in it
* the performance (costumes, scenery etc
* your opinion of the performace
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Hi Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about the play I watched last month at music theatre in Chorzów. It was polish version of Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It was amazing play. Tomasz Radek, who played Judas is in my opinion the best polish singer.
Costumes were great too. All actors wore clothes similar to those from biblical times. Scenery was modest.
It was the best play I ever saw. Despite I had to travel four hours to Chorzów and tickets were a little bit expensive, it was worth it. Next time you should go there with me. They will play Phantom of the Opera. It is another musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. I hope that you like musicals.
Take care,