Krótka wypowiedź ( treść na dole ) . Jakieś 2-3 zdania na wstęp ( typu : Środowisko jest bardzo ważne.... dlatego chcę przedsawić ..... ).
W punktach rozwinięcie : czyli podanie zapobiegania globalnemu ociepleniu i które działania JA ( jako jeden, zwykły człowiek ) mogę podjąć by zmniejszyć zaniezyszczenie środowiska ( np. segregacja śmieci.... ) , OKOŁO 5-7 przykładów. Solidnie rozwiniętych, bo cały speaking ma trwać ok 2-3 min.
Zakończenie ( 2-3 zdania ) czyli coś typu ( Środowisko jest bardzo zanieczyszczone, ale nie każdy zdaje sobie z tego sprawę itp... )
Prosty język. Bez trudnych wyrażeń i zwrotów !
NIE Z TRANSLATORA ! Od razu zgłaszam, takie prace widać !
Name some things that you do that are environmentally damaging. What action can you take to help prevent global warming ?
Daję naj :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Proszę ;)
Nowadays our environment is threatened. People don't care, they live their lives. The forests are full of rubbish dumps. This can cause extinction of many valuable species of plants and animals. It's very crucial to save our environment. There are many solutions. Firstly, we need to save water, don't pollute forests and above all to segregate wastes. We must protect the environments in which we work and live for future generations, and also for the processes occurring there (photosynthesis). If we live in the city, we should use different means of transport. - apart from the car. The cars also pollute our environment, which is why there is organised annual event - Car Free Day. We realy have to do something with that, otherwise it will be a global disaster.
Prosty język... cóż. postaram się. (:
In the past few years, the issue of taking care of our natural environment became more and more important. People are starting to realize that our entire industry and lifestyles are affecting the Earth badly. Therefore (albo Because of that, jeżeli therefore jest 'trudne') I would like to present some ways in which our everyday actions damage the environment and what we can do to preserve it.
One of the things almost everybody does is leaving unnecessary lights on. We walk out of a room, but don't turn them off, and they shine for no reason, wasting electrical energy. That way, the power plants that supply the energy produce more of it than is necessary. Since majority of them are fueled by coal, they emit a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and sulfur into the atmosphere, poisoning the air and causing acid rains. The easy solution is that: whenever you leave a room, turn the lights and every electronic appliance that you aren't using off. This way you not only save the energy, but also a lot of money in your home budget.
Another thing is sorting the trash. There are many households where paper, plastic, metal and organic waste is sorted into separate bins, but far more families still put everything in one bag. That way, the things you throw out are very hard to be properly disposed of. If you sort your trash, the plastic can be reused, as can be metal; paper can be burned; organic waste can be used to produce fertilizers, or even used in your own garden.
Speaking of trash - only trow it into proper trash cans. The amount of damage litter can do to the environment is immense. Not only it looks ugly on the side of the road or in a forest; it takes a very, very long time to decompose. Even a paper tissue remains where you left it for as much as a year. A plastic bottle won't fully decompose even in 500 years. Glass bottles? Thousands of years. If we reuse or recycle them, however, they will at least be useful rather than just lay about and look awful. Not to mention that during decomposition, plastic and glass let out a lot of toxic and harmful substances, damaging the ground they lay on and poisoning the plants, and through plants - the animals.
Another way in which our litter harms the fauna is more direct. Animals, thinking that something you threw away is edible, can choke to death. Think of it the next time you want to drop a candy wrap to the ground - put it in your pocket and dispose of it when you find a trashcan.
Last but not least, think ecologically. "Do I have to throw out that bottle or can I use it again?" "I can fit all the shopping in my bag, no need to take a plastic one." "I'm going out of the kitchen, but the radio is playing. I can turn it off, nobody is listening." Once you learn to think about the environment, you will soon become so used to it that you won't need to remind yourself about those little things every time. And remember to make your friends and family realize that - the more people take care of our planet, the less problems it will have. If we carry on the same way we do now, the Earth will be a very unpleasant place to live on in less than a hundred years.
Nie potrafiłam wymyślić zbyt wielu przykładów ochrony środowiska przez jednostkę, więc się rozpisałam przy tych kilku, które są... mam nadzieję, że przynajmniej pomogłam. (: