Reward 25 points! Jelaskan tentang Conditional Sentences Type 0-3 secara rinci dengan menggunakan kata2 yang mudah dipahami (bagaimana cara dan kapan penggunaannya) dan disertai contoh. (Jangan Copas di Internet!!)
#Saya msih bingung karena ada satu kalimat/konteks bisa pakai 2 tipe conditional sentence sekaligus.
Four forms of conditional sentences and examples of its uses.
Type zero conditional sentence Uses simple present tense for both its condition and result. Type zero is used to refer to general or well known facts or truths, this means if one completed the condition(s), the result clause will happen. Example: -- "If you're exposed to total vacuum, you die", or -- "If you freeze water, ice forms" as a less gruesome example.
In both of those sentence, if you were exposed to total vacuum, death would be guaranteed -- and if you did freeze water, it is certain that the water will freeze and ice will form.
Type one conditional sentence. Uses present tense to express the condition, and future tense for its result, this type is used if the condition is possible, this means if one completed the condition(s), the results may happen. Example: -- "If you wear that shirt, someone will comment on it", or -- "If it rains today, I will have to cancel the rafting trip".
Type two conditional sentence. The condition clause uses past tense and the results/consequence uses conditional mood (would, could, might, should). Used if the condition is impossible or hasn't occur yet (unreal) and the results if it were to happen (if it is real). Example: -- "If my dog could talk, he would've said something", or -- "If Brainly didn't exist, I would have nothing to do".
In the first sentence, the conditions are impossible (dogs cannot, and never will talk), and the condition in the second sentence hasn't happen. If the conditions are true (which is highly unlikely), the results will occur.
Type three conditional sentence. Used to refer to an even that happened in the past and the conditions are contrary to reality/against the truth. Example: -- "If Hitler had never been born, the Holocaust would not happen", or -- "If John had studied harder, he would have got the job".
The conditions in those two sentences are contrary to reality (in reality, Hitler was born and John never did study hard), but if those conditions were met, the results will occur.
Mixed conditional sentence (what you're referring to). A combination between the second and third conditional sentence. Either the condition or result uses a past time reference (never both). Example: -- "If you two had done your jobs correctly, we wouldn't be in here right now", or -- "They are not professionals; if they were professionals, they wouldn't have done it like that".
In the first sentence, the conditions uses past tense while in the second one, the results uses past tense.
Answer: ________ 1. Conditional sentence type 0 => digunakan untuk menyatakan segala sesuatu yg berupa kenyataan(fakta) bukan berupa pendapat maupun berupa perkiraan saja.
RUMUSNYA : if + simple present, simple present
Contoh: # If the H2 molecule is reacted with an O2 molecule it will form an H20 molecule (water molecule) * jika molekul H2 direaksikan dengan molekul O2 maka akan terbentuk molekul H20 (molekul air)*
# when H2 molecule is reacted with an O2 molecule it will form an H20 molecule (water molecule) * ketika molekul H2 direaksikan dengan molekul O2 maka akan terbentuk molekul H20 (molekul air)*
=> keterangan: * Dalam contoh kalimat diatas menjelaskan tentang reaksi kimia antara molekul Hidrogen dan molekul oksigen,sehingga akan terbentuk molekul air, nah itu emang sdh kenyataannya sprti itu/fakta. * Dalam conditional sentence type 0 , kata IF boleh diganti dg When ,dan artinya bukan" jika" , tetapi " ketika"
2. Conditional sentence tipe 1 => Nah kalau type 1 ini digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa yg akan dtng/dimasa depan ,namun sifatnya blm pasti msh berupa kemungkinan saja,dan harus ditulis dalam bentuk waktu sekarang(present)
RUMUSNYA : if + simple present, will + bare infinitive
Contoh _______ # She will come to your house if you ask her to come (Dia akan datang ke rumahmu jika km memintanya untuk datang)
# if you ask her to come,she will come to your house. (Jika km meminta dia dtng, dia akan dtng ke rumahmu) Keterangan: Kalau kata "if" ditulis diawal klmt, maka km hrs memberi tanda koma(,) sblm kalimat berikutnya.
Fact/fakta dari conditional sentence type 1 di atas : => Dia mungkin tdk akan dtng kerumahmu jika kamu tdk meminta dia untuk dtng. Keterangan: jadi faktanya akan terjadinya nanti/disuatu waktu tertentu di masa depan bisa bisa besok, lusa, minggu depan, atau bahkan tahun depan.
3. Conditional sentence type 2 => nah kalo type 2 ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yg tidak mungkin terjadi/mustahil bisa terwujud. Dan kenyataan/fact dari conditional sentence type 2 ini dapat diketahui atau dirasakan pada waktu skrng(present).
Rumusnya : if + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
Contoh: _______ If I were you, I would forgive your friend (Jika aku jadi km, Aku akan memaafkan temanmu)
Fact: I am not you,so I don't forgive your friend.
4. Conditional sentence type 3 Type 3 ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan angan-angan/harapan yg ingin terjadi dimasa lalu(lampau), dan kenyataannya atau fact terjadi di masa lalu juga.
Rumusnya : if + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle
Contoh: _______ => If she had gone to Bali, she wouldn't have bought a new ticket. (Jika dia telah pergi ke Bali, dia tidak akan telah membeli sebuah tiket baru)
Kenyataannya/fact : She bought a new ticket because she hadn't gone to Bali yet.(Dia membeli sebuah tiket baru krn dia belum pergi ke Bali).
Verified answer
Four forms of conditional sentences and examples of its uses.Type zero conditional sentence
Uses simple present tense for both its condition and result. Type zero is used to refer to general or well known facts or truths, this means if one completed the condition(s), the result clause will happen. Example:
-- "If you're exposed to total vacuum, you die", or
-- "If you freeze water, ice forms" as a less gruesome example.
In both of those sentence, if you were exposed to total vacuum, death would be guaranteed -- and if you did freeze water, it is certain that the water will freeze and ice will form.
Type one conditional sentence.
Uses present tense to express the condition, and future tense for its result, this type is used if the condition is possible, this means if one completed the condition(s), the results may happen. Example:
-- "If you wear that shirt, someone will comment on it", or
-- "If it rains today, I will have to cancel the rafting trip".
Type two conditional sentence.
The condition clause uses past tense and the results/consequence uses conditional mood (would, could, might, should). Used if the condition is impossible or hasn't occur yet (unreal) and the results if it were to happen (if it is real). Example:
-- "If my dog could talk, he would've said something", or
-- "If Brainly didn't exist, I would have nothing to do".
In the first sentence, the conditions are impossible (dogs cannot, and never will talk), and the condition in the second sentence hasn't happen. If the conditions are true (which is highly unlikely), the results will occur.
Type three conditional sentence.
Used to refer to an even that happened in the past and the conditions are contrary to reality/against the truth. Example:
-- "If Hitler had never been born, the Holocaust would not happen", or
-- "If John had studied harder, he would have got the job".
The conditions in those two sentences are contrary to reality (in reality, Hitler was born and John never did study hard), but if those conditions were met, the results will occur.
Mixed conditional sentence (what you're referring to).
A combination between the second and third conditional sentence. Either the condition or result uses a past time reference (never both). Example:
-- "If you two had done your jobs correctly, we wouldn't be in here right now", or
-- "They are not professionals; if they were professionals, they wouldn't have done it like that".
In the first sentence, the conditions uses past tense while in the second one, the results uses past tense.
Verified answer
1. Conditional sentence type 0
=> digunakan untuk menyatakan segala sesuatu yg berupa kenyataan(fakta) bukan berupa pendapat maupun berupa perkiraan saja.
RUMUSNYA : if + simple present, simple present
# If the H2 molecule is reacted with an O2 molecule it will form an H20 molecule (water molecule)
* jika molekul H2 direaksikan dengan molekul O2 maka akan terbentuk molekul H20 (molekul air)*
# when H2 molecule is reacted with an O2 molecule it will form an H20 molecule (water molecule)
* ketika molekul H2 direaksikan dengan molekul O2 maka akan terbentuk molekul H20 (molekul air)*
=> keterangan:
* Dalam contoh kalimat diatas menjelaskan tentang reaksi kimia antara molekul Hidrogen dan molekul oksigen,sehingga akan terbentuk molekul air, nah itu emang sdh kenyataannya sprti itu/fakta.
* Dalam conditional sentence type 0 , kata IF boleh diganti dg When ,dan artinya bukan" jika" , tetapi " ketika"
2. Conditional sentence tipe 1
=> Nah kalau type 1 ini digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa yg akan dtng/dimasa depan ,namun sifatnya blm pasti msh berupa kemungkinan saja,dan harus ditulis dalam bentuk waktu sekarang(present)
RUMUSNYA : if + simple present, will + bare infinitive
# She will come to your house if you ask her to come (Dia akan datang ke rumahmu jika km memintanya untuk datang)
# if you ask her to come,she will come to your house.
(Jika km meminta dia dtng, dia akan dtng ke rumahmu)
Kalau kata "if" ditulis diawal klmt, maka km hrs memberi tanda koma(,) sblm kalimat berikutnya.
Fact/fakta dari conditional sentence type 1 di atas :
=> Dia mungkin tdk akan dtng kerumahmu jika kamu tdk meminta dia untuk dtng.
Keterangan: jadi faktanya akan terjadinya nanti/disuatu waktu tertentu di masa depan bisa bisa besok, lusa, minggu depan, atau bahkan tahun depan.
3. Conditional sentence type 2
=> nah kalo type 2 ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yg tidak mungkin terjadi/mustahil bisa terwujud. Dan kenyataan/fact dari conditional sentence type 2 ini dapat diketahui atau dirasakan pada waktu skrng(present).
Rumusnya : if + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
If I were you, I would forgive your friend (Jika aku jadi km, Aku akan memaafkan temanmu)
Fact: I am not you,so I don't forgive your friend.
4. Conditional sentence type 3
Type 3 ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan angan-angan/harapan yg ingin terjadi dimasa lalu(lampau), dan kenyataannya atau fact terjadi di masa lalu juga.
Rumusnya :
if + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle
=> If she had gone to Bali, she wouldn't have bought a new ticket.
(Jika dia telah pergi ke Bali, dia tidak akan telah membeli sebuah tiket baru)
Kenyataannya/fact : She bought a new ticket because she hadn't gone to Bali yet.(Dia membeli sebuah tiket baru krn dia belum pergi ke Bali).