Wyobraź sobie ze zyjesz w przyszłości. Jak to wszystko wygląda. Napisz któtki tekst o swojej przyszłości (7-8 linijek) za pomocą wskazówek: Study: Art/History/Law/Economics/... Live: Italy/Poland/the USA/Greay Britain/... Buy: a Porsche/a Ford/a Mitsubishi/... Be: a tennis player/a basketball player/a volleyball player/... Work as: a secretary/ a businessman/a teacher/a pilot/... Spend free time: in casinos/on the Canary Islands/at home/...
I would like to be an adult. Manu things would change in my life. First of all, I would study............
When be adult I would study economy in Rome University. Also i could live in sunny italy. Maybe i'll buy a Porsche or Mitsubishi. I would be a volleyball player. I could work as businessman or teacher. In this time i spent my free time in casinos and i'll win or lose all my money. May i'll live in beautiful contry in distant country. Also i could all day watch on sunrise with my preety wife. We'll have a big farm and we take care ours horses. Also i want to live in inteligent neighbourhood whoose always could to support us and each other. But it's only my imagination.
I could work as businessman or teacher. In this time i spent my free time in casinos and i'll win or lose all my money. May i'll live in beautiful contry in distant country. Also i could all day watch on sunrise with my preety wife. We'll have a big farm and we take care ours horses. Also i want to live in inteligent neighbourhood whoose always could to support us and each other. But it's only my imagination.