Goscisz u siebie kolege z Walli.Wczesnie rano musisz wyjsc z domu, a nie chcesz budzic goscia.Przed wyjsciem z domu zostaw dla niego wiadomosc.Napisz:dlaczego musiales wyjsc,jak dlugo cie nie bedzie,co moze zjesc na sniadanie,co bedzie robic,kiedy wrocisz.Podpisz sie XYZ.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I had to leave because I have something important to do. I will not be 2 hours. I'll be back at 13.00. For breakfast, eat a sandwich and juice in the kitchen. You can play with the dog or play on your computer.
Dear Jason,
I have to leave in 10 ten minutes and I don't want to wake up so early. I have to leave so early because I must pick up my brother from the airport. I'll be back at 1 p.m. You can eat whatever you want. Everthing is in the fidge. Don't be shy just help your self. When I come back we will go to the city center so I can show you my city.
Yours XYZ