October 2018 1 17 Report

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PRZETŁUMACZYC TEKST :A large cow with big eyes and a smile approached Zaphod’s table. - Good evening – it said and sat down – Are you ready to order? I’m the main dish of the day. May I interest you in parts of my body? Arthur and Trillian were shocked, Ford appeared bored but Zaphod looked hungry. - A slice from the shoulder perhaps? – suggested the animal – grilled with the wine sauce? - Your shoulder? – said Arthur, horrified. - But naturally my shoulder, sir. Zaphod jumped up and felt the animal’s shoulder. - My meat is very good – it said – I’ve been exercising and eating plenty of grass. - This animal actually wants us to eat it! – whispered Trillian. - That’s horrible! – exclaimed Arthur. - What’s the problem, Earthman? – said Zaphod. - I don’t want to eat an animal that’s standing there inviting me to – said Arthur – it’s cruel. - It’s better than eating an animal that doesn’t want to be eaten – said Zaphod. - That’s not the point – Arthur protested. Then he thought for a moment – All right – he said, -maybe it is, but… - he looked at the menu. - I think I’ll just have a salad. The cow spoke up. - Why don’t you have some nice roast beef with peas and carrots? Or how about a steak fried with onions? Rare, medium or well done? - A salad – said Arthur emphatically – some lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes and maybe some sweetcorn. - A salad? – said the animal, disapprovingly. - Are you telling me I shouldn’t have a salad? - Well – said the animal – I know many vegetables that don’t think you should. Which is why it was such a good idea to create an animal that actually wants to be eaten and can say so clearly. And here I am.. - A glass of water, please – said Arthur. - Look – said Zaphod – I’m really hungry! Four rare steaks please, and hurry. We haven’t eaten for five hundred and seventy-six thousand million years. The animal looked delighted. - A very good choice, sir, if I may say so. I’ll just go and shoot myself. As it walked slowly towards the kitchen it gave Arthur a friendly smile. - Don’t worry, sir, - it said – I’ll be very human. A few minutes later the waiter arrived with four huge steaks served with mashed potatoes, boiled cabbage and mushrooms. Zaphod and Ford started eating without a second hesitation. Trillian paused, then picked up her knife and fork. Arthur stared at his feeling slightly ill. - Hey, Earthman, - said Zaphod with a malicious smile on the face that wasn’t stuffing itself – what’s eating you? Proszę o w miarę dobre tłumaczenie, nie z translatora :)
1 Uzupełnij zdania, tłumacząc wyrazy w nawiasach na język angielski.1 I'll write verbs using the red (kredę) ……………………… and nouns will be in blue.2 Did you (odpisałeś) ………………… homework from Max?3 The highest (ocenę) ………………………. I can give you is a C+.4 The lines must be straight. Use the (linijkę) ………………. to help you.5 When I was 4, my parents sent me to a private (przedszkola) …………………………...6 And now we're going to cut them out with the (nożyczkami) …………………………….. .87 They might be in the (sali gimnastycznej) ………………………… playing voleyball.8 I don't think I'm going to (zaliczyć) …………………………. the test.2 Połącz wyrazy, żeby utworzyć popularne wyrażenia i przetłumacz je na język polski.Ba) a pencilb) progressc) your homeworkd) cheatinge) heartf) an examg) truantA1 fail _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ___________­­­______2 learn by _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________3 make _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ________________4 play _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ________________5 do _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ________________6 write with _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ________________7 catch somebody _________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________ 3 Uzupełnij tekst nazwami przedmiotów szkolnych. Pierwsze litery zostały podane.My brother Peter loves doing sports so 1P__________ E__________ is his favourite school subject. He also likes 2S__________ because he enjoys doing experiments. Peter doesn't mind learning 3G___________ , Africa is his favourite continent. He finds it difficult to remember dates and names of kings so he isn't interested in 4H___________ . He doesn't have a head for numbers, that's why he doesn't like 5M___________ .

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