Ayuda porfa... :( Please tell me why is important conditionals in your life? and give an example of your real your life with conditionals.
pablin199Physical preparation is closely related to the technical-sports, tactical and volitional preparation. The multilateral development of the motor apparatus, the wide circle of different motor habits and skills, are an indispensable condition for the effective manifestation of the volitional qualities. Physical preparation creates the basis for the mastery of sports technique by increasing the level of the state of physical preparation, creating the conditions for mastery of the most modern forms of movements. At the same time, the improvement of the technique in the sport constitutes a more complete and effective manifestation of the physical capacities of the athlete..
Los "conditionales" son ciertas estructuras del inglés en las cuales, si cierta condición, situación o circunstancia es verdadera, entonces sucede un resultado específico. Aquí veremos varios tipos usuales de "condicionales
Por ejemplo: si tengo tiempo, podré ir al gimnasio
Physical preparation creates the basis for the mastery of sports technique by increasing the level of the state of physical preparation, creating the conditions for mastery of the most modern forms of movements. At the same time, the improvement of the technique in the sport constitutes a more complete and effective manifestation of the physical capacities of the athlete..