October 2018 1 47 Report
Answer carefully. thanks.

Tentukan kalimat svo dari kalimat berikut.

Once, there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy, which he kept in a barrel. But he
fish got pretty and the Indian had to change the water a good deal to keep him
alive. He was too lazy to do that, and he thought he would teach the fish to
live without water. So he did. He began by taking Tommy out and kept him out
longer, and after a time Tommy got to stay out if he was in the wet grass.

Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night, and pretty
soon that fish could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not. By
that time he had got pretty tame, too, and he used to follow the Indian around
a good deal, and when an Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat. Tommy went
along too and got some for himself. The Indian thought everything of that fist,
and when Tommy got so he didn’t need any water anymore but could go anywhere
down to dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun. You never saw the
Indian without his fish. Some people wanted to by Tommy, but the Indian said he
wouldn’t sell a fish like that for any money. You’d see him coming to town with
Tommy following along the road, just like a dog; only of course he traveled a
good deal like a snake, and almost as fast.

Well, it was pretty sad that the way that the Indian lost his fish and it was
unusual too. He started for town one day with Tommy coming along behind as
usual. There was a bridge in the road and the Indian come to it where he saw
there was a hole it, but he went on over in without thinking. A little later he
looked around for Tommy and Tommy wasn’t there. He went back away and called,
but he couldn’t see anything of his pet. Then he come to the bridge and saw the
hole, and he thought right away that maybe his fish had got in there. So he
went to the hole and looked down, and sure enough, there was Tommy, floating on
the water, bottom-side up. He’d fallen through that hole into the river and

contoh: Once, there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy
Indian = s
had = v
pet fish = o
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