Rozmowa sterowana: *zadawania i informacje: Dzwonie do rodziny u której mam zamieszkać w roku szkolnym żeby zapytać: -jak najbardziej lubią spędzać weekendy -jak moge dojeżdżać do szkoły -powiedzieć im o swoich przyzwyczajeniach żywieniowych
*relacjonowanie jesteś na koncercie swojej ulubionej grupy nagle zgasło światło - okoliczności zdarzenia -jak zachowałeś/aś się w tej sytuacji - jaki był finał
*negocjowanie znajomy chce zaprosić cię do restauracji z chińszczyzną - odmow i podaj powody - zaproponuj coś innego - podaj powód dla ktorego twoja decyzja jest lepsze
proszę o opracowanie
1. -Could you tell me in what ways you like spending weekends the best? -May I ask how I can get to school? -I am a vegetarian so I don't eat meat. I usually eat cereals for breakfast, then some salad for dinner. I don't eat much. Sometimes I like to have something sweet between meals.
2. Last weekend I went to the Black Eyed Peas concert with my best friend. We were having fun but then finally the lights went off. People were confused. They didn't know what to do. But I was very calm and I found that situation funny. Finally, after about 10 minutes, the lights went back. We found out that there had been a powercut.
3. Thanks for your invitation but I don't want to go to Chinese restaurant. I'm not really into that kind of food. Why don't we go to Italian restaurant? They have delicious dishes and it's very cheap there.
-Could you tell me in what ways you like spending weekends the best?
-May I ask how I can get to school?
-I am a vegetarian so I don't eat meat. I usually eat cereals for breakfast, then some salad for dinner. I don't eat much. Sometimes I like to have something sweet between meals.
Last weekend I went to the Black Eyed Peas concert with my best friend. We were having fun but then finally the lights went off. People were confused. They didn't know what to do. But I was very calm and I found that situation funny. Finally, after about 10 minutes, the lights went back. We found out that there had been a powercut.
Thanks for your invitation but I don't want to go to Chinese restaurant. I'm not really into that kind of food. Why don't we go to Italian restaurant? They have delicious dishes and it's very cheap there.