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1 Telefonowała mama twojego współlokatora, informując, że zachorował jego brat. Napisz wiadomość, w której przekażesz:" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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5. Hello John!
I am in Scotland at the moment in a camp. We walk a lot and do a lot of sightseeing. We also do a lot of sport activities. The weather is awesome, its so warm and never rains! And how do you spend your holidays? Let me know.
With love XYZ
3. Hi Orgun.
Of course you can record the tv show. But there is one problem, I will be out by then because my mum is sick and I will visit her in the hospital. So I will leave the keys at my neighbours', house numer 43. Just go there and tell what you came for. Wait for me in my house, I shall be back around 8pm.
See you soon, Brian
Yesterday, on 7th may, I have lost a black leather jacket, most probably I have left it in the hall. It has a massive zip and big pocket on the front side. It is important for me to get it back because I got it from my girlfriend as a birtday gift.
If you find it by any chance let me know - call me on 778654667
Peter Blaum