October 2018 2 91 Report

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DLA OSÓB ZNAJĄCYCH ANIGIELSKI!!!! Z góry dziękuje:)1. Can I… you a beer? a) get b) put c) to 2. I would…. To talk to you. a) have b) take c) like 3. I always…. a black handbag when I …. Black shoes a) take/ carry b)carry/ wear c) wear/ carry 4. How do you…. Your free time? a) pass b) spend c) take 5. in my family my mother… dinner and my father washes up a) makes b) does c) takes 6. ,,Am I late?’’ - ,,I’m …. So’’ a) sorry b)late c) afraid 7. can you…. Me some money? a) borrow b) lend c)leave 8. Can I ….. your car for the weekend? a) borrow b) lend c) leave 9.What’s the problem? I have a…..throat. a) pain b)sore c)ache 10. how long have you had this tooth….? a) pain b) sore c) ache 11. I can feel….in my back. a) pain b)sore c) ache 12. Oh, no. I have… my wallet. a) lost b) missed c) forget 13. If we don’t hurry up, we’re going to…. The bus. a) lose b) miss c) forget 14. Take your umbrella if you want to stay…. a) wet b) dry 15. I studied hard and …. The exam easily. a) failed b)passed c)fell 16. Mark hasn’t studied for the exam. He’s going to…. a) fall b) pass 17. I would like to…. In Paris. a) live b) life 18. Mozart’s…. was very exciting. a) live b) life 19. This man…. Be our new teacher. He is too young. a) must b) can’t c) can 20. The test was very difficult, but I …. Pass it. a) was able to b) can c) could 21. if you…. A millionaire, what would you buy? a) were b) are c) would be 22. She can’t come because she….. her doctor tomorrow at 6. a) sees b) is seeing c) will see 23. she always….. late to work on Mondays. a) comes b) is coming c) will come 24. I’m afraid I…. on holiday next year. a)don’t go b) am not going c) won’t go 25. Look at this old tree. It…. a) is falling down b) will fall down c) is going to fall down

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