September 2018 1 34 Report

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Przetłumacz na język polski, nie w translatorze!!!!!! Scientists disagree about exactly when the Big Bang, which created the universe, happened. But we know that it was between ten and twenty billion years ago. The universe has been expanding extremely rapidly ever since, and is a million million million million miles across. We can also measure distances in space in light years, the distance travelled in one year at the speed of light. And light travels incredibly fast! The speed of light is an amazing 300,000 kilometres a second. Lightning also travels really quickly and can heat the air around it to 28,000˚C. But it travels more slowly than light, up to 150,000 kilometres a second. The Earth itself is four and a half billion years old and scientists believe that life began suddenly in the sea soon after that. Life developed extremely slowly after this quick start. It was only four hundred million years ago that organisms began to breathe oxygen and live on land. People believe that apes started to walk on two feet between three and seven million years ago. However, we can say more accurately that humans appeared on Earth two million years ago. It’s believed that the Earth weighs an astonishing six billion trillion tonnes. And at 6,380 kilometres, the distance from the surface of the Earth to the centre is nearly as far as from New York to Moscow. The Earth rotates most quickly at 1,675 kilometres an hour at the equator, more slowly at about 900 kilometres an hour in Paris and London, and doesn’t rotate at all at the exact North or South Pole. Perhaps we ought to call our planet Water, because most of its surface is ocean. And animals and plants are largely made up of water – a tomato is 95% water, a potato 80% and a human 65%.

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