1 zadanie . Przeczytaj tekst i napisz prawda czy falsz .
Ther are not many people (in paricular young ones) nawadays who have not tried buying online yet.There are numerous reasons for that.Buing online is usually cheaper than buying at traditional stores.Moreover,you can buy items from the same retailers you usually do it but with some discounts.You dont have to waste time on visiting many stores-you just click the thing you like,pay for it and wait patienly until it is delivered to your door.Of course,there are somee disadvantages,too.Some people are afraid of giving their credit card details online as it can be copied by dishones sellers.The others do not like waiting . There is also a group of potential customers who are unable to make a dencision without seeing and touching the item first.Reading about it on the screen and studying photos is not enough for them .
(1)According to the text,most of young people have never bought anything via Internet . - prawda czy fałsz .?
(2)If you buy something online,you must look for brands unknow to you.-prawda czy fałasz.?
(3)There are no drawbacks of shopping online. -prawda czy fałsz.?
(4) Some people need to go to the traditional shop to buy the item as seeing it on the screen does not give them sufficient information.-prawda czy fałsz.?
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1.fałsz According to the text,most of young people have never bought anything via Internet. - zgodnie z tekstem większosc młodych ludzi nigdy nie kupiło nic z internetu
2. prawda If you buy something online,you must look for brands unknow to you.- Jezeli kupisz coś w internecie = online musisz spojrzeć na marke znaną tobie
3.fałsz There are no drawbacks of shopping online.- Nie ma żadnych wad zakupów online
4. prawda Some people need to go to the traditional shop to buy the item as seeing it on the screen does not give them sufficient information. - niektorzy ludzie muszą udać się do tradycyjnego sklepu aby kupic jakis przedmiot, jak widzą go na ekranie nie daje im to wystarczających informacji