1 Przetłumacz nazwy sklepów
Department Store -
Supermarket -
Street Market -
Shopping Centre -
2. Przyporządkuj słowa poniżej do podanych definicji
Bargain, Basket, Customer, Discount, Manager, Receipt, Refund, Sales, Shop Assistanst, Trolley, Shop Window, Till
_______ a time when shops sell things at lower prices than usual
_______ something that you buy for what you think is a good price
_______ a place at the front of shop where you can see the products
_______ a piece of paper which shows yopu have paid for something
_______ a reduction of the price
_______ a person who works in a shop
_______ Money that yyou paid back to you when you are unhappy with something you buy
___________ a person who buys things in a shop
___________ a person who is in charge of a shop hotel, etc
_____________ duży koszyk sklepowy
___________mały koszyk sklepowy
__________ kasa fiskalna
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dom towarowy
Uliczny bazar
Centrum handlowe
sprzedawca artykułów papierniczych
1 Sales
2 Bargain
3 Show window
4 Receipt
5 Shop assistans
6 refund
7 Customer
8 Manager
9 trolley
10 basket
11 till
Department Store- Dom Towarowy
Supermarket- supermarket
Street Market- uliczny targ
Shopping Centre- Centrum Handlowe
Buther's- Sklep mięsny
Stationery shop- Sklep z artykułami papierniczymi
Sales- a time when shops sell things at lower prices than usual
Bargain- something that you buy for that you think is a good price
Shop window- a place at the front of shop where you can see products
Receipt- a piece of paper which shows you have paid for something
Discount- a reduction of the price
Shop assistant- a person who works in a shop
Refund- money that you paid back to you when you are unhappy with something you buy
Customet- a person who buys things in a shop
Manager- a person who is in charge of a shop, hotel etc
Trolley- duży koszyk sklepowy
Basket- mały koszyk sklepowy
Till- kasa fiskalna