December 2018 1 45 Report
1. Oblicz tg alfa, jeśli 2sin^2 alfa + 7cos^2 alfa=6
2. Środkowe poprowadzone z wierzchołków kątów ostrych trójkąta prostokątnego mają długość 3 i 4. Oblicz długość przeciwprostokątnej trójkąta.
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Potrzebuje, żeby ktoś to sprawdził. Niedługi tekst :) Daje naj. It was four years ago. I finished grammar school. After summer holiday became my first day in high school. For this special day I decided to wear my new, white dress. I was exicted, nervous. My hands and legs were shaking. When I am stressed out I always drink my favorite orange juice. That day I also was drinking that juice. Everything was perfect. Then that happened. I was walking down stairs when some boy hit me. My dress in one moment became blotchy. Believe me. That was nightmare. All eyes was on me. I almost feelt them on my backs. I was angry and embarrassed. I wanted to escape. I ran to the toilet. I opened door, and I started to clean. Suddenly I heard laughing. I turned around and I saw boy who was hiding something in his pants. Yes, I was in men toilet. My face was green, purple and red in the same time. To bathroom came also boy who hit me. I will never forget his face in that moment. He started apologize. I started cry. My makeup flowed. Couldn’t be better. Someone showed me toilet for girls. The boy who hit me was waiting till I finished. I forgave him, because he bought me new juice, and he was really nice. He became my friend, and now he is my fiancé. After the engagement, he said that the accident was not by accident. He did not know how to talk down. And this situation was impulse. Yes, stupid guy. But I love him. He apologized again. I forgave him the second time . That’s how loked my first day in high school.

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