August 2018 2 20 Report
Oblicz pole trapezu prostokątnego o podstawach dł. 12cm i 10cm i wysokosci 4cm.

Ramiona trapezu równoramiennego są nachylone do postawy pod kątem 60(stopni) i mają długość 10cm. Jedna z podstaw jest da razy dłuższa od drugiej. Oblicz obwód tego tarpezu.

W trapezie kąty przy dłuższej podstawie mają miary 30(stopni) i 45(stopni). Dłuższa podstawa madł. 16 ,a wysokosc trapezu jest równa 3.Jaki obwód ma ten trapez .

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Proszę o przetłumaczenie na Polski :)My favorite season is summer. I love watching the sun rise over the ocean. I love going to the beach on a hot day, the smell of salt water and suntan lotion. The sound of seagulls, surf and bell buoys off in the distance, the sun glinting off the water. I love the rebirth of growing things, leaves on the trees, green grass. Butterflies, bees and dragonflies litter the air, birds singing and hot-weather bugs clicking and buzzing at each other on a warm evening. I love a tall cold drink on a hot day, ice crackling as you pour the drink, little droplets that run down the side of the glass. I love the smell of rain hitting the hot asphalt during a summer shower, the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, the feel of warm water running down the back of my neck when I get caught in a sudden downpour. I love the smell of newly mown lawn, the sound of a lawn mower off in the distance. I love the vines climbing the pool fence, the honeysuckle perfuming the entire yard. I love the color of the pool when the sun shines. I love watching the Koi doing their quiet ballet in the pond, mouthing at the surface in hope of food every time someone walks by. I love how big the Lotus leaves are, the color of the Lotus flowers, the scent wafting gently as you walk by. I love the sun being up late, being able to go out to play with the kids after dinner. I love the graceful dance of the Zachary Tree as the wind moves across the yard. I love the bright colors of the flowers. The scents...oh the scents! I love the apples and pears ripening on the trees, the way the leaves on the grapevines shade and cool me when I sit under the arbor, the smell of ripening grapes. I love that I have to chase the birds away from the grapes if I want any. I love the chirping of the newborn birds in the birdhouses, the mother and father bird flitting back and forth with bugs and worms. I love riding my bicycle along our tree-lined street...feeling warm and cool in the dappled shade. I love walking in the woods with the kids, turning over rocks and logs looking for salamanders. I love the earthy smell of the dirt and leaf litter in the woods, the way moss makes a green carpet to lie on. I love lying down in the Princess Pines and pretending to be a giant. I love hiking the quiet trails of the Blue Hills, finding places that haven't seen a person since the Wampanoags lived there. I love climbing the rocks on the face of Big Blue, looking out over the highway from so high, that you can't even hear the cars as they go by. I love sitting on the steps in the pool with the water up to my neck. I love the taste of a banana colada. I love the look of my wife with the sandal tan on her feet, and strands of her hair bleached out to light blonde from the sun. I love not having to put on a coat when I go out. I love the quiet hum of a fan on a hot evening, sitting on the porch with a good book and a frozen daiquiri. I love being able to just sit around on a lazy day and not have anywhere to go. I love watching the sun set over the ocean.

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