1. Jesteś na kursie językowym w Anglii. Podczas zajęć masz przeprowadzić z kolegą wywiad i dowiedzieć się czy internet odgrywa ważną rolę w jego życiu. Dowiedz się: -jak często korzysta z internetu -do czego internet jest mu potrzebny - czy zna kogoś kto jest uzależniony do internetu
2. Spędzasz wakacje u rodziny. Dostałaś od cioci noty telefon komórkowy. Opowiedz koledze: -jak zareagowałeś kiedy dostałeś prezent -jak wygląda telefon i jakie ma funkcje -czy prezent ci się podoba
3. Podczas pobytu za granicą kupiłaś odtwarzacz MP3. Po powrocie do hotelu okazało się że odtwarzacz nie działa tak, jak powinien. W rozmowie ze sprzedawcą: -wyjaśnij na czym polega problem -nie zgódź się z jego argumentami -przedstaw swoje oczekiwania
As I have already told you, spend my holidays with my aunt. One morning, my aunt enters the room with a small gift. Already I was all excited about what is in the middle. Allowed me to open it, inside was the latest cell phone. I was beaming all! The phone was slim, had a black cover and silver buttons. I was very pleased with the gift which she had me Auntie!
Hi, I bought recently at the State mp3.There is only a small problem, because they do not want to work. After switching, operates some three minutes and then herself off.I do not agree with you, because it is the responsibility to return the product when it is under warranty.I expect that you will do anything to this matter is over. I'm counting on swift return or a new MP3.
As I have already told you, spend my holidays with my aunt.
One morning, my aunt enters the room with a small gift.
Already I was all excited about what is in the middle.
Allowed me to open it, inside was the latest cell phone.
I was beaming all! The phone was slim, had a black cover and silver buttons. I was very pleased with the gift which she had me Auntie!
Hi, I bought recently at the State mp3.There is only a small problem, because they do not want to work. After switching, operates some three minutes and then herself off.I do not agree with you, because it is the responsibility to return the product when it is under warranty.I expect that you will do anything to this matter is over. I'm counting on swift return or a new MP3.