Zredaguj na blog wpis związany z przeprowadzką, której właśnie doświadczyłeś. - Zrelacjonuj, jak Twoi rodzice ją zorganizowali. - Wyjaśnij, w jaki sposób pozbyli się zbędnych rzeczy. - Poradź, jak pakować delikatne przedmioty oraz książki. - Zachęć do zrobienia planu przeprowadzki.
80-130 słów na teraz !!
How are you doing all? I wanted to write a short note about the move I have recently went through. It was a bigger undertaking than I would have thought! My parents called my uncle and his friend Bob to come and help move all the furniture. There was a lot of redundant items that no one used anymore, so my parents sold them all on ebay. They got some money for that which helped buy new items for a new house. One thing I learned – definitely wrap small fragile items and books into a bubble wrap! It will make them safe during transportation. Oh and one more thing – make a plan. It is a disaster if you don’t know what to move where!