Zaproszenie po angielsku... Z okazji wstapienia do Polski do Unii Europejskiej twoja szkola planuje zorganizowanie koncertu. W imieniu spolecznosci szkolnej napisz zaproszenie dla ambasadora Anglii, w ktorym: - powiadomisz go o koncercie organizowanym przez szkole - podasz czas i miejsce wydarzenia - wyjasnij cel koncertu - okresl szczegoly programu
Tylko nie z tlanslatorem Blagam podajcie to w jezyku polskim i angielskim :) bede wdzieczna
In the name of our school community I'd like to invite you for the concert that celebrates joining Poland into European Union. The aim of this event is to show how important it was for Poland. It will be held on March 22, 2010 year at 17 o'clock. We would be honored if you would like to give a speech before the concert begins. After that there will be also speeches of other important persons and then at 18 o'clock the concert starts. Musical guests of the concert will be school bands "The Yellows" and "Wild Ducks" and also well-known jazz musician Dermotti Stevens . Later, at 22 o'clock everyone is invited for a great banquet. We'll be graced if you come!
Yours sincerely
Tomasz Zieliński - Chairman of student council in the Mikołaj Kopernik secondary school in Warsaw.
In the name of our school community I'd like to invite you for the concert that celebrates joining Poland into European Union. The aim of this event is to show how important it was for Poland. It will be held on March 22, 2010 year at 17 o'clock. We would be honored if you would like to give a speech before the concert begins. After that there will be also speeches of other important persons and then at 18 o'clock the concert starts. Musical guests of the concert will be school bands "The Yellows" and "Wild Ducks" and also well-known jazz musician Dermotti Stevens . Later, at 22 o'clock everyone is invited for a great banquet. We'll be graced if you come!
Yours sincerely
Tomasz Zieliński -
Chairman of student council in the Mikołaj Kopernik secondary school in Warsaw.