Zadanie 3 z załącznika . Można wzorować się na opisie podanym wyżej ( bardziej chodzi o zwroty niż sam opis , bo dotyczył innego obrazka ) Bardzo proszę o pomoc i wykorzystanie jak największej ilośći słów podanych pod obrazkiem. Tylko żeby nie było w paru zdaniach tylko jakby do takiej wypowiedzi. Za najlepsze daje naj ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It was absolutely horrible. Yesterday, I had a meeting at the university with math's profesor. When it started, I was so confused because I'm not good at mathematics. The speech told us to sit down, and he started talking about historical develompments in mathematics and talking about maths formules. I wasn't preparing for the discussion because I went on this meeting because I was bored. I think that it was even such fun, because profesor ask about Pitagoras and everyone in the audience hold hands up to say an answer. But, one person didn't, and it was me. Profesor saw me, and saw that I'm confused and asked me about answer. I said that I don't know, but he still asked ans asked. I was angry and I said that I don't know and I'm not going to tell him anything. Profesor smiled and he started to talking about the same thing than before. It was incredible experience because I never heard a lot of mathematics formulas.
Myślę, że pomogłam :)