August 2018 3 253 Report
Prosze możecie to rozwiązać? jutro mam spr. ;/

zadanie 1
W trójkącie ABC bok IBCI=10cm a kąt ABC jest równy 30 stopni. Oblicz długość wysokości opuszczonej na bok AB.

zadanie 2
W trójkacie ABC bok AC ma długość 40 cm a kąt CAB jest równy 60 stopni. Oblicz długość wysokości opuszczonej na bok AB.
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Mógłby mi to ktoś przetłumaczyć? How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very different then. I believe world will be much better in many ways. Most likely, we will be space traveling in the future and some people might even be living on other planets such as Mars or Moon. Life will also be made much easier in the future for humans because of robots and computers. Many simple jobs will be done by them such as cooking and cleaning. All the machines will no longer be run on gas, they will run on solar energy and that will make the world much cleaner. By the year 2050 Scientists will have discovered the cure from many diseases like AIDS and cancer and that will make us much healthier and let us live longer. However, future won’t be without problems. Nothing can be perfect. We will have to deal with many things such as increased population and global warming that won’t be easy to solve. People will also be much different in the future. They will become more reserved and separate from each other because of computers. Some say we will cut all the forests and because of that, there will be less fresh air so we will have to pay for fresh air just like we do now for fresh water. Others say we will have to eat vitamins instead real food. Who knows? Everything is possible. In conclusion, whatever the future brings, I believe that children’s lives will certainly be very different in the year 2050."

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