September 2018 2 22 Report

Zad7 Opłata za 1m sześcienny ciepłej wody wynosi 5,60zł, a za 1m sześcienny zimnej wody 1,80zł. Ile należy zapłacić za zużycie 6msześciennych ciepłej wody u 13 m sześciennych wody zimnej?

Zad8 Tata Dawida ma samochód, który zużywa średnio 16,5 litra gazu na 100kg Bak mieści 40 litrów benzyny zaś zbiornik na gaz ma pojemność 85l. Cena za jeden litr benzyny wynosi 4,24zł a gazu 2,09zł
a).koszt zatankowania obu zbiorników do pełna.
b)koszt zatankowania zbiornika na gaz do pełna jeżeli są w nim 3l gazu.
c).ile litrów benzyny zatankowano, jeżeli kosztowała ona 148,40zł? Ile można kupić gazu za tę kwotę?

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1. napisz dialog według wzoru. 0 (the teacher / English?)Is the teather eNGLAND?(v She / from Manchester)Yes, she is. She's from Manchester(Hyde Pak / near hare?) Is Hyde Park Near hare>( X it / two kilometres away) No, it isn't. It's two kilometres away.1 A: (you / from France?) _________________ B: (X I / from Switzerland) ____________________2 A: (he / from Turkey?) _________________ B: (V He / from Istanbul) _________________3 A: ( I / in your class?) _______________ B: (X You . Mr Kirk's class) _______________4 A: (your sistr / at school?) ______________ B: (X She / at university) _______________Zad 2 Uzupełnij dialog zaimkami,, WHO'' , ,,WHAT'' lub ,,WHERE'' i odpowiednią formą czasownika ,, TO BE''A: My name's Dolores. What's your name?B: My name's Ali.A: Pleased to meet you, Ali. _______ you from?B: I' _____ from Egypt. And you?_____ ______ you from?A: I' _________ from Valencia.B Oh, _____ _____ it? ______ it in Greece?A: No, it _____ . It ______ in Spain - no the east coast. welcome party?B: Ys, I ______A: ______ ______ it?B: It ________ in Room 6.A: _____ ______ the people over there?B : The people next to the window?A: yes.B They' ____ student, too.A: _____ _____ they from? They ____ n't from this school.B They _____ from Grange Valley.A: _____ ' s Grange Valley' ? _____ it a school?B Yes , it ____ the local secosndary school.A _____ _____ it?B It's next to the swimming pool, on Valley Road.Zad 3. napisz zdania wedlug podanego wzoru, uzywajac czasownikow z ramek.Zdania twierdzace : _______________work go get up <- ramka_______________0. at 6.30 / my father / usuallyMy father usually gets up at 6.30 . 1. my grandmother / to bed / after midnight / qalways___________________________________2. at the factory / late / Erro; / often __________________________Zdania przeczące :_______________work eat want_______________ 0. at weekends / usually / my parentsMy parents don't usually work at weekends.3. they / often / meat_________________4. Michael / this weekend / to go out__________________________Pytania : __________________teach send have__________________0. English / in the evenings / PaulDoes Paul teach English in the evenings?5 to your friends / often / emails / you _________________________6. every day / for breakfarst / he / eggs ______________________________

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