October 2018 1 20 Report

Z wyrazów ułóż pytania

1. In is arriving London When plane your?

2. leaving time the is airport your train What?

3. going station the to Which is train?

Odpowiedz na pytania powyżej

2.00p.m. - Train leaves Luton Airport

3.00p.m. - Trains arrives at St Pancras Station, London

3.15p.m. - Meet in front of the station

Uzupełnij tekst dotyczący planów, używając czasowników z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.

be do fly have make meet take think wait

We _________________ (V) from Cape Town to London.

Our exchange families _______________ (X) us at the airport, we ______________(V) a train from the airport to a station in London and they ______________(V) for us outside the station.

This is my first visit to London and we ______________ (V) a lot of cool things.

I ________________(V) a great time!

My best friends are in South Africa but I ____________ (X) about them - I ____________(V) a lot of new friends - I ___________ (X) shy!

x - nie v - tak (ptaszek :D)

Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki z ramki

be(x2) come explain go have(x2) help live(x2) love(x2) sit smile talk work

I ___ from England (chyba am)

I ___ in London (chyba live)

I ___ to Euston School in London

My parents ___ got a hotel (chyba have) and we all ___ there. My parents both ___in the hotel and sometimes I ___ them. My sister, Lucy, ___ (chyba work) in the hotel in the summer.

I ___ animals and I ___ got a really cool pet - it's a tarantula called Boris!(chyba love i have)

I ___ in a school exchange programme with a school in RPA(chyba explain)

This ___(chyba is) a photo of me from my computer.

I ___ to my exchange student, Lewis (that's him in the corner).

We ___ in the computer rooms in our schools and I ___some things about London(chyba am). He ___because I just told him Arsenal is my local team - Lewis ___ Arsenal (chyba love)

W nawiasach napisał co wpisałem, prosiłbym także o napisanie czy dobrze ;-)

Proszę o pomoc! Daje NAJ!!

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