September 2018 2 23 Report

Wypisz osiągnięcia Arabów z podziałem na dwie grupy: -będące dziełem Arabów, - przejęte przez Arabów od innych ludów

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Z wyrazów ułóż pytania1. In is arriving London When plane your?2. leaving time the is airport your train What?3. going station the to Which is train?Odpowiedz na pytania powyżej2.00p.m. - Train leaves Luton Airport3.00p.m. - Trains arrives at St Pancras Station, London3.15p.m. - Meet in front of the stationUzupełnij tekst dotyczący planów, używając czasowników z ramki w odpowiedniej do fly have make meet take think waitWe _________________ (V) from Cape Town to London.Our exchange families _______________ (X) us at the airport, we ______________(V) a train from the airport to a station in London and they ______________(V) for us outside the station.This is my first visit to London and we ______________ (V) a lot of cool things.I ________________(V) a great time!My best friends are in South Africa but I ____________ (X) about them - I ____________(V) a lot of new friends - I ___________ (X) shy!x - nie v - tak (ptaszek :D)Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki z ramkibe(x2) come explain go have(x2) help live(x2) love(x2) sit smile talk workI ___ from England (chyba am)I ___ in London (chyba live)I ___ to Euston School in LondonMy parents ___ got a hotel (chyba have) and we all ___ there. My parents both ___in the hotel and sometimes I ___ them. My sister, Lucy, ___ (chyba work) in the hotel in the summer.I ___ animals and I ___ got a really cool pet - it's a tarantula called Boris!(chyba love i have)I ___ in a school exchange programme with a school in RPA(chyba explain)This ___(chyba is) a photo of me from my computer.I ___ to my exchange student, Lewis (that's him in the corner).We ___ in the computer rooms in our schools and I ___some things about London(chyba am). He ___because I just told him Arsenal is my local team - Lewis ___ Arsenal (chyba love)W nawiasach napisał co wpisałem, prosiłbym także o napisanie czy dobrze ;-)Proszę o pomoc! Daje NAJ!!

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