Z angola :) Wybiorę sobie jakiś znak zodiaku i napiszą dla niego horoskop (Min. 5 zdań ) Zodiak wybrałam Panna:) Nie trzeba poprawnego chodzi wymyślone np. SCORPIO: You will have a really fantastic week. You will win a trip to Canary Island You will go to an old Castle in France . You won't buy a present for your sister and she will be unhappy. Coś takiego :) I proszę nie wchodzić na tłumacza bo on źle tłumaczy na inny język..!!!
Jak zauważyliście wszędzie jest albo "will" albo "won't" a więc tak powinno to być :D I JAK MOZNA TO ZROBCIE TAK
VIRGIO - PANNA Today may be a time of heightened reasoning and judgment for you, Virgo. What a great way to get things done! Pull out unfinished projects and get going. Tackle issues or problems that have surfaced recently by facing them directly. Make the most of this day's energy by thinking about ways to do things more efficiently. Be confident that you can handle anything.
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Virgo (=panna) This month will be good for you. You have to seize an opportiunity. You will be in the good mood all the time. If you have serious plans - don't hesitate and keep moving! Everything will be okay! But you should be careful about your health - this mouth can be dangerous for you.
Today may be a time of heightened reasoning and judgment for you, Virgo. What a great way to get things done! Pull out unfinished projects and get going. Tackle issues or problems that have surfaced recently by facing them directly. Make the most of this day's energy by thinking about ways to do things more efficiently. Be confident that you can handle anything.
This month will be good for you. You have to seize an opportiunity.
You will be in the good mood all the time. If you have serious plans - don't hesitate and keep moving! Everything will be okay! But you should be careful about your health - this mouth can be dangerous for you.