October 2018 2 12 Report

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Proszę o streszczenie w kilku łatwych zdaniach po angielsku tego tekstu. Bardzo ważne.Whole-body cryotherapy involves exposing your body to a temperature of minus 120 degrees. to give you an idea of just how cold this is, the lowest recorded natural temperature is minus 90 degrees, in Antarctica. Extreme cold makes the molecules in your body smaller. when you leave the cold, they expand, increasing the flow of blood that helps reduce the pain from swollen joints and injuries. Some experts say in can relieve the symptoms of everything from rheumatism to very serious nervous diseases. It is used a lot with athletes and sportsppeople who have injured themselves. It accelerates recovery time and helps with general aches and pains. But it doesn't help with cuts or broken bones. not really, but it can help with the symptoms of the illness and give long periods of relief between each treatment. I suffer from painful rheumatism. A course of half a dozen sessions relieves it and keeps the symptoms under control. Almost nothing! You take off all your normal clothes and put on cotton underwear. Unless you wear natural fibres like cotton, your clothes will instantly freeze solid. A face mask protects your nose from freezing. First-timers only do two minutes. Afterwards, sessions can increase to a maximum of four minutes. That way it only cools down the outside of the body. You're OK unless the extreme cold reaches your internal organs. You need to leave before eight minutes, otherwise you can die. Yes it is. That's why you have a check-up with a nurse before they accept you for the treatment. There are also two rooms- the first is only minus 90. You stay in there for ten seconds and then they open up the door to the next chamber. Well, it's an unusual sensation. At first it's a bit like needles. Then you notice a kind of burning sensation, and then you can't feel anything- you know, like after aninjection at the dentist's.

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