Witam! Bardzo proszę o napisanie w kilku zdaniach po angielsku krótką notkę na temat Leonarda da Vinci. Pomóżcie...
KukurySia123Leonardo daVinci (April 15, 1452in Vinci, Italy, d.May 2, 1519, in the Clos Luce, France)- ItalianRenaissancepainter, architect, philosopher, musician, poet, explorer, mathematician, engineer, anatomist, inventor,geologist. Born and raisednear the town ofVinci, being theillegitimate son ofSerPieronotaryda Vinci and thepeasant womanCaterina. Leonardohas often beendescribed as thearchetype of the"Renaissance man" whoseseeminglyinexhaustiblecuriositymatchedonly the forceof hiscreativity.Widelyconsidered to beone of the greatestpaintersof all timeand probably the mostmulti-talentedperson inhistory.It wasconferred atalent for paintingLeonardogreatest popularity.Two ofhis works,the MonaLisaand The Last Supper, and top the lists ofthe most famous, often imitatedandmentionedportraits andpaintings. Alsoof great importancein the historyof artisLeonardo'sVitruvian Mansketch. In Poland,is also known forthe work ofLady with an Ermine, due to the fact thatthe onlywork ofthe artistwhichis inPolish collections.Survivedto the present dayprobably15of his paintings. As an engineer, Leonardocreatedthe projectsahead ofits timedevelopingthe concept ofa helicopter,a tank, the use of baseplate tectonics,the double-hullboatsand many other innovations. Myślę że pomogłam ;)