Wyprowadziłeś się wraz z rodzicami na wieś. Napisz do znajomego z Kanady krótki e-mail, w którym: -zapytasz o jego samopoczucie; -poinformujesz o przeprowadzce do nowego domu na wsi; -opiszesz, co ci się najbardziej podoba w nowym domu; -zaprosisz znajomego do siebie; Bardzo pilne
Hi! How are you feeling i feel very good.I just leaved to a village.Its very super here.The air is fresh.The thing that tat was the best for me was my room.It wa so exciting the one that i wanted to have. If you will have a free weekend come to me you wil be welcome here. Bye
How are you feeling i feel very good.I just leaved to a village.Its very super here.The air is fresh.The thing that tat was the best for me was my room.It wa so exciting the one that i wanted to have. If you will have a free weekend come to me you wil be welcome here.