Twoja koleżanka ze Stanów Zjednoczonych ma poważne problemy w szkole. Napisała do Ciebie, prosząc o radę. Napisz do niej list, w którym: -podziękujesz za to,że ma do Ciebie zaufanie i napiszesz,że postarasz się pomoć, -opiszesz jeden ze swoich problemów w szkole i sposób, w jaki udało Ci się go rozwiązać, -dodasz, żeby się nie poddawała i zapewnisz, że na pewno sobie poradzi -poprosisz aby wkrótce do Ciebie napisała i podasz jej swój nowy adres e-mail. Bardzo proszę o pomoc bo bardzo jeste z angielskiego nie kumaty:(:( i to ma być list prywatny...
Thank you for your letter, I really appreciate that you confide in me and trust me. I hope that I will be able to help you. When I was younger I had a problem at school too. I was bullied. The girls from my class would pick on me and call me names. I was very shy, but then I talked to my mum about it and she helped me. I believed in myself and the boos of confidence helped me. I ignored those girls and became a very confident person. I suggerst you don't give up, I believe in you too, I am sure you can sort it out. I am looking foward hearing from you soon, this is my new e-mail [email protected]
Thank you for your letter, I really appreciate that you confide in me and trust me. I hope that I will be able to help you. When I was younger I had a problem at school too. I was bullied. The girls from my class would pick on me and call me names. I was very shy, but then I talked to my mum about it and she helped me. I believed in myself and the boos of confidence helped me. I ignored those girls and became a very confident person. I suggerst you don't give up, I believe in you too, I am sure you can sort it out. I am looking foward hearing from you soon, this is my new e-mail [email protected]
Your ... .