Jestes na obozie jezykowym w Anglii.Mieszkasz u angielskiej rodziny, ale niestety dzielisz bardzo mały pokój z innym uczniem z Francji. Napisz wiadomość która przeslesz e-mailem w której: -poinformujesz go o przyjezdzie do Anglii, -opisz swoje niezadowolenie z miejsca pobytu, -wyjasnji dlaczego pokój ci nie odpowiada, -poproś przyjaciela o pomoc w znalezieniu innego miejsca,
Bardzo pilne
Wpisz to na googlach tam to jest wystarczy poszukac jak ja znalazlem to ty tez powodzenia
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edekfredek Hi Edek, I am in England to learn english on special language camp. I think I'm good at it but this place where I am sleeping every night is terrible. I am leaving in english family with the other student - he come from france. Our room is too tight and dark for both of us. I can't listen to my music because of that people children - they have to go sleep very earlie and I have to be quiet all the time. Can you help me and find for me better place. Please - help me. I can't stand it. Your friend Fredek
Więcej sam wymyśl jak coś, napisalem taki krotki email. Pozdro!
jak ja znalazlem to ty tez
Hi Edek,
I am in England to learn english on special language camp. I think I'm good at it but this place where I am sleeping every night is terrible. I am leaving in english family with the other student - he come from france. Our room is too tight and dark for both of us. I can't listen to my music because of that people children - they have to go sleep very earlie and I have to be quiet all the time. Can you help me and find for me better place. Please - help me. I can't stand it.
Your friend
Więcej sam wymyśl jak coś, napisalem taki krotki email. Pozdro!