Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 złów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Tematy: 1. Wielu uczniów uważa szkolne lekcje wychowania fizycznego za stratę czasu. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą zalety i wady wycofania lekcji WF-u ze szkół.
2. Niektóre nastolatki wolą podczas wakacji pracować niż odpoczywać. Zredaguj artykuł do szkolnej gazetki, w którym przedstawisz swoją opinię na temat wakacyjnej pracy i opiszesz doświadczenia osoby, która taką prace podjęła.
Proszę o napisanie albo rozprawki albo artykułu...... PILNE!
Many young people think that physical education is unusefull at schools. But will PE retraction really solve the problem? We all know that excercise is important. But these days most young people aren't getting enough of it. PE is a good way to keep in shape. If we remove that lesson from our schedule our generation will keep gaining weight. On the other hand the students are often overtired at the following lessons. But it is also kind of pacification. It helps us keep our stress level down by exercising to the point where we feel good. We feel good also if we look good. If we remove PE from schools lots of students will have very little chance to vent their excess energy which has been shown to inhibit learning. Physical education also teaches us the importance of teamwork if we get involve in sports. And in overcoming our own physical weaknesses. It is also a good way of getting to know each other better. But some people think that they do not feel comfortable about changing their clothes in front of others and get very nervous. Summarizing, physical education should not be removed from school. PE is what controls our obesity and keeps us fit.
We all know that excercise is important. But these days most young people aren't getting enough of it. PE is a good way to keep in shape. If we remove that lesson from our schedule our generation will keep gaining weight.
On the other hand the students are often overtired at the following lessons. But it is also kind of pacification. It helps us keep our stress level down by exercising to the point where we feel good. We feel good also if we look good.
If we remove PE from schools lots of students will have very little chance to vent their excess energy which has been shown to inhibit learning.
Physical education also teaches us the importance of teamwork if we get involve in sports. And in overcoming our own physical weaknesses.
It is also a good way of getting to know each other better. But some people think that they do not feel comfortable about changing their clothes in front of others and get very nervous.
Summarizing, physical education should not be removed from school. PE is what controls our obesity and keeps us fit.