August 2018 1 17 Report
Wybierz jedno ze zdań i uzasadnij je :
1. Jestem uczestnikiem przymierza Boga z ludźmi.
2. Jestem tym który może mówić o uczestnictwie '' z innych ludźmi i przymierzem z Bogem '' te drugie zdanie jest nie dokończone ponieważ się nie doczytałem. :D
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Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki, wybierając właściwą odpowiedź. Polar bears live on sea ice above the Arctic Circle. About 20,000 polar bears can (1)............ on Earth. Nearly 5,000 live in Alaskan waters. Nature (2)........... them for harsh conditions. But nothing (3)........... them for a new danger that they face. The polar bears' world (4)............. Scientists blame global warming. They say climate change (5)............. polar bear populations. Polar bears depend on sea ice for their survival as it is where they (6)............ seals, their main source of food. Without it, they (7)......... Some melting and refreezing of polar ice is natural. But the warmer it (8).........., the faster polar ice (9)......... As a result, the bears have less time to hunt for food, many (10)......... in poor healt and the number of bears (11).......... . To help protect the bears, scientists have taken steps (12) ......... the polar bear as a threatened species. They also say we (13).......... stop global warming and its consequences. 1. a. find b. be found c. be noticed 2. a. prepared b. prepares c. has prepared 3. a. can prepare b. prepares c. could prepare 4. a. melts b. is melting c. starts to melt 5. a. harmed b. hurts c. is harming 6. a. are hunting b. are catching c. hunt 7. a. don't live b. don't exist c. can't exist 8. a. gets b. is getting c. got 9. a. is melting b. melts c. melted 10. a. have been found b. were found c. have been founded 11. a. falls b. is falling c. fell 12. a. to accept b. to define c. to list 13. a. can b. must c. will Przeczytaj dialogi. Uzupelnij dialogi tak, aby tworzyly logiczna calosc. A. a. Hi, my name is Tom. (1)................ ? b. Hi, I'm Andy. (2).............. ? a. I'm from Austria. (3)......... ? b. I'm English. (4)........... ? a. I'm 16. (5).......... ? b. Skiing and snowboarding, and yours? a. Cycling and swimming. B. a. (1)....................... ? b. I've got a terrible headache. a. (20....................... ? b. For about two days. C. a. (1).......................? b. I think I've twisted my ankle. a. (20.......................? b. Yes, it is. It hurts when I walk. D. a. I've failed my final test , but I my parents don't know about it. I don't know what to do. (1)............... ? b. Well, (2)...................., I wouldn't lie to them. You should tell them the truth. a. (3).............. ? E. a. (1)...................... ? b. Sarah Myles. a. (2)................. ? b. Of course, M-Y-L-E-S. a. (3)................. ? b. 10 South Street, Brighton. a. And (4)........... ? Proszę o rozwiązanie tych zadań jest to na prawdę bardzo potrzebne. Z góry dziękuje!

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