"Wspomnienie z dzieciństwa" - proszę o przetłumaczenie , używając czasów Past Simple , Past Continues oraz Past Perfect .
Mialam około 5 lat. Była piękna pogoda. Moi rodzice i ja pojechaliśmy nad jezioro. Mój tata uczył mnie pływać , graliśmy w piłkę , dobrze spędzaliśmy czas. Kiedy zrobilo się późno - plaża dookola jeziora zrobiła się pusta. Moi rodzice przebrali mnie i zaczęli pakować wszytkie rzeczy do torby. W tym czasie ja wymknęłam (uciekłam , poszłam ) się do jeziora... w ubraniu ! Spanikowani rodzice zaczęli mnie szukać , ale gdy zobaczyli mnie w płytkiej wodzie zaczęli się śmiać .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I had about 5 years. Weather was beautiful. My parents and me went on a lake. My papa taught me to swim , we played in ball , we spended time well. When got late - around the beach of lake got empty. My parents changed my clothes and the all of thing began packing to bag. In this time I escaped ( I ran away , I went ) to lake... in clothes ! Panicked parents began me looking for , but when they saw me in shallow water they began laughing .
I was about 5. The weather was nice. My parents and me have gone by lake. My dad was teaching me swimming, we were playing football, we had nice time. It was doing later and later, people was leaving the beach. My parents have got up me and they have started packing all clothes to bag. While they were packing, i have gone to lake in clothes. My parents have started panicking, but when they saw me in water. They started laughing.