Write a message for an Internet discussion board about films. Using your ideas from exercise help you, write about a film you like and explain:
* what the film is called and which actors are in it.
* what kind of film it is (thriller,horror film, etc.).
* what the film is about.
* why you like the film.
Krótka wypowiedź, tylko te informacje co w punktach.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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This film called 'Zmierzch'. It's fantasy film, romantic film and thriller. This film tells story about 17 years old Bella Swan. Bella moves to Forks and falls in love in vampire - Edward Cullen. I like this film because it's romantic and it's holds in tension.
Dałam przykładowy, znany film. Jak chcesz inny to napisz na priv :)