Wkrotce planujesz wyjazd do wielkiej brytanii. w internecie znalazlas ogloszenie dotyczace wynajmu mieszkania. napisz krotki email do osoby ktora zamiescila ogloszenie.
*okresl termin przyjazdu do Wielkiej Brytanii * podaj na jak dlugo chcialabys wynajac mieszkanie *zapytaj o szczegoly wyposazenia mieszkania * poproq o pomoc w znalezieniu lokatora ze wzgledu na koszty.
I am writing in connectoin eqiure about the flat advertised on the property pages of The News on September 18. I will coming to UK in next month and I would like to renting flat on year. I would like to know what is equipment of this flat and I would also like to ask if there is a shower in the bathroom?Can I find room-mate because this flat is too expensove for me?
I look forward to your answer. Your faithfully. XYZ
I am writing in connectoin eqiure about the flat advertised on the property pages of The News on September 18. I will coming to UK in next month and I would like to renting flat on year. I would like to know what is equipment of this flat and I would also like to ask if there is a shower in the bathroom?Can I find room-mate because this flat is too expensove for me?
I look forward to your answer.
Your faithfully.