November 2018 1 16 Report

Witam :) Proszę o przetłumaczenie poniższego tekstu na język polski (użycie z translatora będzie zgłaszane), a także streszczenie go po angielsku:

On a camping holiday in Spain, grandmother, who had been brought along with the rest of the family, died suddenly at night of natural causes. Not wanting to bury her in a foreign country, where they might never be able to visit her grave again, the family decided to head for home and attempt to smuggle her through Spain and France, and so back to England. Having this in mind they rolled grandmother's body into a carpet, tied it on to the roof rack of the car together with the camping equipment and started on their trip.

They drove all night and just before breakfast they heaved a sigh of relief as they crossed the border out of Spain and into France. By this time all the family were very tired and hungry. As a stop for breakfast sounded like a good idea, they parked the car in a side street next to a suitable cafe. Not wanting to leave the corpse for too long and also wishing to continue their journey as soon as possible, they ate a quick breakfast and returned to the car. However, to their horror, their possessions had been stolen from the roof of the car, including the carpet and the grandmother's corpse. The strange thing is that the body never did turn up.

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