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np: easy - czyta się jako izi,with jako łicz,down jako "dałn", tak ma być przepisany cały tekst.
Sam stern is a celebrity chef and a cookery book writer. But he`s a student, too! His recipes are fast, easy and healthy. He often takes cakes into school for his classmates. Lucky them!
Sam likes experimenting with food and he invents a new recipe each week. He hates writing about the recipes so he and his mum cook together. Then she writes the recipes down.
Cooking is a problem in his house. The problem is, there are seven people in Sam`s family - his parents, his brother and his three sisters and the`re all different! One sister is a vegetarian but this brother loves meat and his dad doesn`t eat choclate or cheese.
Sam is very busy. He writes a blog on his website and a weekly article in a teen newspaper. In the blog, he talks about his life and recipes. He wants teenagers to cook helathy food. Lots of teenagers read Sam`s blog and try his recipes. And he`s got a briliant new idea - phone downloads of his recipes!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Sam Stern is ej selebriti szef and ej kukari buk rajter. Bat hi is ej stjudent tu! His respis ar fast izi and helfi. Hi often tejks kejks into skul for his klasmejts. Laki dem
Sam lajks eksperimentin łif fud and hi inwents ej nju respi icz łik. Hi hejts rajting abałt de respis soł hi end his mam kuk tugeda. Den szi rajts de resipis dałn.
Kuking is ej problem in his hałs. De problem is, der ar sewen pipol in Sam's famili - his perents, his brader end his fri sisters and dej ar ol difrent! Łan sister is ej wedżetarian bat dis brader lows mit end his dad dazynt it czokled or cziz.
Sam is veri busi. Hi rajts a blog on his łebsajt end ej łikli artikol in en tin njuspejper. In de blog, hi toks abałt his lajf and resipis. Hi łonts tinejdżers tu kuk helfi fud. Lats of tinejdżers rid Sam's blog end traj his resipis. End hi has got ej brylijent nju ajdija - fołn dałnlołds of his resipis!
Sam stern is a selebriti czief end a kukery buk wrajter. Bat his a student tu! his recipis ar fast, izi and chelfy. hi ofen tejks kejks intu shul for his klasmetes. laki dem!
sam lajks eksperimenting łif fud end hi inwents a niu recep icz łik. hi hejts wrajting abołt de resipis soł hi end his mam kuk togewer. den szi wrajts de resipe dałn.
kuking is a prblem in his chałs. de problem is, der ar sewen pipul in sams famili - his parents, his brader and his fri sisters end der al difrient! łan sister is a wegetarian bat dis broder lowes mit end his dad dazynt it czoklet or czis.
sam is weri bizi. hi wrajtes a blog on his łebsajt end a łikli artikul in a tin njuspejper. in de blog, he tolks abołt his lajf end resipe. hi łonts tinejgers tu kuk helfy fud. lots of tinejgers rid sams blog and traj his resipes. end his got brilijant nju ajdija - fon donlołt of his resipes!