September 2018 1 106 Report

Proszę o rozwiązanie tych zadań. Pochodzą one z testu blockbuster 3 z modułu 3.

1. Wpisz will lub be going to.

a) I think Karen ............. (be) a teacher in ten years.

b) We all predict Sammy..............(win) the contest tonight.

c) Karl is certain his friend Pete ................(join) the army in the future.

d) Angela and I ........................(visit) the zoo today.

e) Peter ..................(see) the dentist tommorow evening.

2. Okresy warunkowe (0,1,2) . wpisz odpowiednia forme.

a) Unless you are careful when you drive, you ..............(have) an accident.

b) Unless we all try to use less energy, the eart's temperature.............(rise)

c) If you...........(install) a web camera, your brother can see you on his computer screen.

d) When we go to the safari park at Marwell Zoo, we .............(see) tigers in their natural environment.

e)When you waste enrgy, you .............(make) global warming worse.

3. Wybierz odpowiednia forme.

a) I promise I will/ am going to bring cake tommorow.

b) Jason predicts Manchester City are going to/ will win the Euro Cup next year.

c) I'm sure Peter is going to/will win the race.

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