Świata w Polsce W Polsce na wigilię je się wigilijna kolację, wigilijną ryba jest karp. Ludzie dają sobie prezenty i składają sobie życzenia. Przychodzi święty mikołaj i rozdaje grzecznym dzieciom prezenty . Te święta są bardzo magiczne i można je miło spędzić z rodziną, bliskimi.
przetłumaczcie na angielski
World in Poland in Poland for the Christmas Eve is being eaten Christmas Eve Christmas Eve supper fish is carp. People are giving a present to themselves and they are giving themselves their best wishes. He is coming saint mikołaj and is handing out presents to well-behaved children. These holidays are very magic and it is possible nicely to spend them with the family, with family and friends.
in Poland for the Christmas Eve is being eaten Christmas Eve Christmas Eve supper fish is carp. People are giving a present to themselves and they are giving themselves their best wishes. He is coming saint mikołaj and is handing out presents to well-behaved children. These holidays are very magic and it is possible nicely to spend them with the family, with family and friends.