Do każdego po dwa pełne zdania.
1. do you think you take good care of yourself? why/why not?
2. do you ever eat unhealthy food? (ma być, że tak i te dwa pełne zdania)
3. How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
4. do you think the ban on smoking in pubs and restaurants is good idea? why?
5. what do you do to keep fit?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Yeah, I think I take good care of myself. I try to limit sweets and unhealthy food but also eat more fruit, vegatables and other proper meals like meat.
2. Yes, of course. I eat unhealthy food like every ordinary teenager. I like fast food but I don't eat it very often because I know it's not good for my health.
3. It depends on day. On weekday I sleep less than on weekend because I have more dutis like for example. I sleep 7 to 10 hours every day.
4. I think that's very good idea. Not everybody smokes, so it could be annoying for person who doeasn't smoke. If somebody wants to smoke he or she can go outside and do it right there, not inside.
5. I eat healthy food, limit sweets and fast food, drink a lof of still water and do excercises every day. That's my way to keep fit.
1. I do my best to take good care of myself. Not only do I have an active lifestyle, but also I avoid eating unhealthy food in order to keep a balanced diet.
Dokładam wszelkich starań, by o siebie dbać. Nie tylko prowadzę aktywny tryb życia, lecz również unikam niezdrowego jedzenia, by utrzymać zbalansowaną dietę.
2. I eat unhealthy food, however it happens very seldom. I am aware of the fact that it is damaging. It is also delicious, though, and sometimes I just can't help myself.
Zdarza mi się jeść niezdrowe jedzenie, jednakże z rzadka. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że jedzenie to szkodzi. Równocześnie jest ono jednak pyszne i czasami po prostu nie potrafię się oprzeć tej pokusie.
3. Usually, during the working week, I get about 6 hours of sleep. I feel it's not enough for me but I'm not able to get any more because of school and chores.
Zazwyczaj, w tygodniu roboczym, sypiam około sześciu godzin. Czuję, że jest to dawka dla mnie niewystarczająca, lecz nie mogę pozwolić sobie na więcej z powodu szkoły i obowiązków domowych.
4. I think that the ban on smoking in public places is an excellent idea as it's extremely harmful. People who aren't used to the smell of tobacco smoke can't stand it and they cough.
Myślę, że zakazanie palenia w miejsach publicznych jest wręcz znakomitym pomysłem, gdyż jest ono bardzo szkodliwe. Ludzie nieprzyzwyczajeni do dymu tytoniowego nie są w stanie go znieść, kaszląc.
5. In order to keep fit I have an active lifestyle and keep a healthy diet. As far as my active lifestyle is concerned, I run every morning and do aerobics in the evenings.
Aby utrzymać formę prowadzę aktywny tryb życia i zachowuję zdrową dietę. Jeśli chodzi o mój aktywny tryb życia, biegam każdego ranka i uprawiam aerobik wieczorami.