Wczoraj wieczorem po wyjściu z kina spóźniłeś się na ostatni autobus do domu. Powiedz swojej anglojęzycznej koleżance: * jak się czułeś, * jak się dostałeś do domu, * jaka była reakcja rodziców, kiedy w końcu dotarłeś do domu.
1. When i have missed my last bus i felt terrible. I did not know what to do. I did not have any choice, i had to come back to house on foot, but it was about 10 kilometers!. I get to my house about half to twelve pm, my parents ware scared and they told me that they just wanted to call the police when i came in.
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Yesterday after the exit from the cinema be late sie to the bus. I felt terribly, I was bad that I hadn't gone more quickly and sad I must wait for next. There was no bus so I called the uncle so that he came for me. When we reached home parents they were bad that there was so long no me but thanks to the conversation of the uncle with them they forgave me quickly;)
Yesterday when I left the cinema, I ran the last bus. I was really angry. So I had to go on foot. When I came home my parents were very worried but enjoyed that I`m finally at home.
Nie daje gwarancji że to jest w stu procentach dobrze ale starałam sie;)
I did not have any choice, i had to come back to house on foot, but it was about 10 kilometers!. I get to my house about half to twelve pm, my parents ware scared and they told me that they just wanted to call the police when i came in.
Yesterday when I left the cinema, I ran the last bus.
I was really angry.
So I had to go on foot.
When I came home my parents were very worried but enjoyed that I`m finally at home.
Nie daje gwarancji że to jest w stu procentach dobrze ale starałam sie;)