Wczoraj nasza wielce "poważana" nauczycielka języka angielskiego zadała wielkie , jedno wyzwanie. Projekt własnej kawiarni. Jakiś opis po angielsku , szyld , hasło , menu itp. itd. Kompletnie nie wiem co zrobić. Jakieś porady ? A i bardzo bym chciała też właśnie jakiś krótki opis restauracji. Potrzebne na dziś.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My cafeteria has red walls. It isn't a big building. The front wooden door is in next to the car park. On the front wall you can see a singboard with a description "Welcome. Take a rest". My motto is "Just feel relax and dream about coming back". I like the very nice, classical music there. It makes you enjoy your meal and time. The menu card contains many desserts, tea and coffe. Sweet dishes are for instance: ice creams, cakes, creams or some pancakes. Inside you can find many candles, comfortable sofas and tables which are made of glass. All these things look very stylish. Waitress takes an order - she will bring whatever you need. Prices aren't very high, so it's a place for everyone.
The restaurant is a place where you can eat or meet some friends. This restaurant I'm writting about is also a typical one. It's a big place with about 15 tables. Around them you can find red chairs. The menu card contains many dishes like meat, fish, salads, desserts and drinks. The music is playing there for all the time. You can find help and take an order from three very nice waitrres. Walls are covered with black and white stripes. There is a lot of light because of huge windows and beautiful chandeliers. Everyone is welcome.