Przetłumacz zdania: -W zwiąku ze zbliżającym się nowym rokiem chciałabym was zaprosić na przyjęcie z tegoż właśnie powodu. -Poszukaj jeszcze mąki i będziesz mógł zjeść omlety na śniadanie. -What do you mean? i co mozna wyrazić za pomocą wrażeń takich jak: - The...was not what I had in mind. - The...was not good enought. -I didn`t like/want. jak jest kólko językowe?
- in connection with the upcoming new year, I would like to invite you to adopt the same reason. - Search more flour and you will be able to eat omelettes for breakfast. - Co masz na myśli?
Kółko językowe - linguistic circle
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-In the connection with the approaching new year I would like to invite you to a party around this of exactly a reason. - Still look for the flour and you will be able to have omelettes for breakfast. - Co masz na myśli? -... Był nie co miałem na myśli. -.. . Nie był dobry [enought]?. } jakieś rzeczy, to co lubię? -Nie lubię/nie chce kólko językowe-linguistic circle
0 votes Thanks 0
-In regard to the coming new year, I would like to invite you to adopt the same reason. -Look for more flour and you will be able to eat omelettes for breakfast. -What do you mean? and what can be expressed through experiences such as: - The ... was not what I had in mind. - The ... was not good enought. -I didn `t like / want. circle as a language?
- Search more flour and you will be able to eat omelettes for breakfast.
- Co masz na myśli?
Kółko językowe - linguistic circle
- Still look for the flour and you will be able to have omelettes for breakfast.
- Co masz na myśli?
-... Był nie co miałem na myśli. -..
. Nie był dobry [enought]?. } jakieś rzeczy, to co lubię?
-Nie lubię/nie chce
kólko językowe-linguistic circle
-Look for more flour and you will be able to eat omelettes for breakfast.
-What do you mean?
and what can be expressed through experiences such as:
- The ... was not what I had in mind.
- The ... was not good enought.
-I didn `t like / want.
circle as a language?