Właśnie wróciłeś z wycieczki. Napisz do swojego kolegi list, w którym:
- opiszesz tę wycieczkę,
- opiszesz miłe wydarzenie, które miało miejsce w jej trakcie,
- wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoje zdanie na temat wycieczek zorganizowanych.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Tom!
Today I came back from Zakopane. The trip was fantastic! We were walked on the mountains and we were on the Rysy, the highest peak in Poland.
One day in the mountains suddenly Mark disappeared from sight, so Me and Kacper started to look for him after 10 minutes I didn't see anybody! Suddenly Kacper an Mark were behind me and they were lauging very loud, because that was stupid joke, but when I saw that I started laughing too.
I think organised trpis, are very funny and that is good way to relax.
Your friend XYZ!