October 2018 1 33 Report

W zadaniu chodzi o przetłumaczenie zdań i zamienienie ich na mowę zależną ; )

1. '' Czy jesteś chory ? ''

2. '' Gdzie kupiłaś ten pierścionek ? ''

3. '' Ile masz kotów ? ''

4. '' Dlaczego masz taką interesującą mowę ciała ? ''

5. '' Czy wybierasz się na wystawę kotów, w weekend, Trapezu ? ''

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BARDZO WAŻNE, NA ZALICZENIE !Fill in the defined word.1.courses for people who are not full-time students ...................................................................................2.a year between leaving school and going to university, which some young people use as an opportunity to travel, earn money,or get experience of working ? ....................................................................................... 3.the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed a university course........................4.a piece of paper with information or answers to questions,which students sometimes use dishonestly in examinations..........................................................5.an amount of money that is given to someone by an educional organization to help pay for their education.............6.someone who has completed a university degree,especially a first degree..............................7.an examination that American high school students take before they go to college..............................8.an examination in a range of subjects,done by students in schools in England and Wales,usually at the age of 15 or 16 .......................................................................................... 9.an examination taht students in England and Wales take,usually when they are 18 .........................10.the sience that is concerned with studying the structure of substances,and the way that they change or combine with each other...................................................11.the sience concerned with the study of physical objects and substances,and of natural forces such as light,heat and movement........................................12.all the things that happenend in the past,especially the political, social or economic development of a nation............13.the study of the countries,oceans,rivers,mountains,cities,etc,of the world..............................................................14.school where students live as well as study.................15.a school teaching the skills you need to do a particular job ........................................................................

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